Chapter 5 - Would You Believe

Mei-Wan entered the Archaeology Lab on Deck Eighteen carrying seven PADDs and two tricorders. She walked over to a desk and almost dropped the items on the hard surface, but managed to set them down without too much harm to them or the desk. She sat in the chair behind the desk and exhaled.

"I'm never going to finish this," Mei-Wan said to herself as she turned to the display behind her and activated it.

"Computer, display Hel'yra files seventeen through twenty-five."

The display came to life showing various diagrams and long listings of text. Mei-Wan turned back to the collection of PADDs on the desk and shuffled through them until finding the one she wanted.

The door to the Lab opened and Ensign Natalie Fowler walked in and up to Mei-Wan's desk.

"Lieutenant, there's a message that just came through from the Archaeological Council for you," the young Ensign said.

Mei-Wan sighed and dropped the PADD on the table. "They're probably wondering when this report on Hel'yra is going to be finished."

"Is there anything I can do to help out?" Fowler asked.

Mei-Wan smiled at the enthusiasm of the Ensign. "Thanks Natalie, but the problem is they want answers and there simply aren't any to give yet. This data may require years of study to come up with any useful conclusions."

"If you change your mind, just let me know."

She nodded as Fowler turned and walked out of the Lab. Mei-Wan turned to face the display happy that the message would give her an excuse to avoid the report she had grown to dread.

"Computer, access messages for McCall, Mei-Wan."

The panel changed and after a moment the Computer spoke, "There are five messages for McCall, Mei-Wan. Do you wish to have them listed?"

"No. Display message from Federation Archaeological Council," Mei-Wan replied.

The visual changed and the smiling face of Andrea Lofgren, the Chairperson of the Archaeological Council, greeted her.

"Mei-Wan, I hope things are going well for you aboard the Chamberlain. I've got some exciting news that I had to let you know about."

Mei-Wan smiled. "Anything would be more exciting than this stupid report," she said to herself.

The recording of Lofgren continued. "Three days ago the Council voted to have the Archaeological Conference on Yed Post Four at the end of December dedicated to Hel'yra and we'd like you to deliver your report on the discoveries you made to the Conference as the Keynote Address."

Mei-Wan rolled her eyes. "Oh, god… please no."

"And don't worry we've already made arrangements with Starfleet Command to make sure you'll be at Yed Post in time for the Conference."

Mei-Wan sighed. "Why did you do this, Andrea?"

The message continued. "We're all looking forward to your presentation as is every professional and amateur archaeologist within the Federation. Even the Romulans have requested to send a delegation to hear you speak."

Mei-Wan had reached her limit with Andrea Lofgren's enthusiasm long before this. "I wonder if Jack could take this ship and start a war with the Romulans so I wouldn’t have to give this stupid report," she said. A moment later she was glad no one else had been there to hear her.

Lofgren's image prattled on. "Hel'yra's been all anyone here has been talking about since your discovery. To think you were the first person in billions of years to hear the Ancient Progenitors speak in their own language and to walk in halls where they had walked. Its what we all went into archaeology for in the first place. It’s a great honor and achievement for you. It won't be too long before you'll be able to have your choice of work anywhere in the Federation."

Mei-Wan thought about everything that had happened on Hel'yra. Despite her frustration with the report she was working on, she was still excited about everything they had found on that world.

Lofgren's image smiled. "And speaking of work, the Council made another decision. It took some doing as well as some arm twisting with Starfleet Command, but we're sending a science vessel back to Hel'yra for a full scale expedition and we'd like you to lead it."

Mei-Wan leaned back as her eyes widened. "Oh my god! I can't believe it!"

The recording went on. "Of course the starship will be under the command of its Captain, but the expedition itself will be under the authority of the Archaeological Council and we have delegated all our authority to you for the duration of the mission. You will have complete autonomy with the full blessing of the Galen Institute as well."

Mei-Wan took a deep breath and did her best to hold back her emotions. The Galen Institute had been founded in honor of Archaeologist Richard Galen the man who had inspired Mei-Wan to become an archaeologist and who had been the original discoverer of the Ancient Progenitors nearly eight years ago. The Institute was dedicated to continuing Galen's work on the Progenitors; beings who had seeded numerous worlds with their genetic material which resulted in the rise of humanoids throughout the Galaxy.

To gain the Galen Institute's acceptance was the accolade that every archaeologist Mei-Wan had ever known sought after. For them to accept her as the leader of the expedition was an honor she would never have even dreamed about, let alone expect. She couldn't believe this would have fallen to her.

Lofgren continued on the display. "And before you start asking how you were chosen, don't sell yourself short. You have accomplishments other archaeologists can't even dream about. You know the Hel'yra site better than anyone. Though the most important factor involved Professor Saselo. He was impressed with your work and professionalism on the Iconia expedition and was the first to suggest you lead this one. And when Saselo recommends you the rest of us don't dare say no."

Mei-Wan finally let a few tears roll down her cheeks. Saselo had been the Academy Instructor who had let her sit in on his classes when she was only twelve. After a year the other students had accepted her so much that by the time she was seventeen, and Saselo had become Chairman of the Academy's Department of Archaeology, it was just assumed she would join them on the Iconia dig. Saselo had been responsible for making sure she was given every possible opportunity available and he had continued with this one.

Mei-Wan knew Saselo and her father, also an Academy Instructor, had been good friends and it was her father who had arranged for her to sit in on that first class, but she knew Saselo only rewarded achievement. He would not have recommended her if he didn't believe she was up to the challenge.

She realized the recording had gone on without her. "Computer replay message from time index three, four, zero."

The displayed message froze and then changed and restarted. "…suggest you lead this one. And when Saselo recommends you the rest of us don't dare say no.

"All the arrangements have been taken care of. The starship will leave for Hel'yra five days after the Conference. As soon as we receive your acceptance as leader of the expedition we'll notify Starfleet and your orders will become official."

Andrea Lofgren smiled wide on the display. "I'm really excited for you, Mei-Wan. Congratulations. I'll see you at the end of December."

Lofgren's image was replaced by the listing of Mei-Wan's messages. She turned back around toward the desk still unable to believe what she had just heard. This was all her dreams fulfilled in one assignment. She never would have thought this possible.

Mei-Wan glanced down at the materials on her desk and took a deep breath. The report she had grown to hate had been transformed into the beginning of the greatest adventure of her life. She couldn't wait to tell Jack the great news.


Deep breath.

Mei-Wan's joy faded. "No," she thought.


To lead the expedition to Hel'yra would mean leaving the Chamberlain and more importantly her husband. Mei-Wan knew that an expedition like this might last anywhere from one to two years. The thought of spending that much time away from Jack brought new tears to her eyes. These had nothing to do with joy.


Jack McCall sat at the head of the conference table surrounded by his Executive Officer Commander Lak Negev, Tactical Officer and Head of Security Hank Evans, Operations Officer Melissa Vargas, Science Officer Duncan Zachary, and Counselor Akala Wilmarza. They had been there for the last forty-five minutes discussing Jack's encounter with a member of the Q Continuum.

"He actually denied having anything to do with our shields?" Hank asked.

Jack nodded. "He seemed to think whoever gave us the shields system had made a huge mistake."

Jack noticed Lak Negev appeared lost in thought. "Any comments, Mr. Negev?"

The Andorian paused a moment before speaking. "Members of the Q Continuum are beings of incredible power, sir. I find it difficult to accept that one of them would come by just to have a talk with you and nothing more."

Hank grinned. "You think our Captain isn't fun to talk to, Commander?"

Soft laughter erupted around the table. Even Negev smiled.

"I have had rather enriching discussions with the Captain, Mr. Evans. However, I don't think many of us would find a conversation with an insect very enjoyable. The Q most probably see us as a lifeform on that level."

Zachary folded his hands in front of him on the table. "The Q have been known to take an interest in our encounters with the Borg. Perhaps that was his real purpose."

Jack nodded. "He did point out that these G'voda had a strong interest in the Borg Queen and he seemed to think the Borg were important to the Galaxy. Maybe he wanted a first hand account of what happened here."

"But did he ask you about what you had seen?" Negev asked Jack.

"No, but perhaps he was searching about in my mind and the conversation was only for my benefit--- something to keep me occupied while he or others of the Continuum entered my mind."

Hank turned to the ship's Counselor. "Any indication the captain's mind has been tampered with, Akala?

Akala Wilmarza, a full telepath, looked intently at Jack for several moments. "Nothing that's obvious, but the Q might be able to dissect a mind the same way we could operate on an animal, leaving little indication of what had happened."

Melissa Vargas watched the captain closely. A thought formed in her mind that she quickly dismissed.

Jack waited several moments as everyone sat silently. "It might be a good idea for me to have a full physical exam as well as have our Counselor give me a thorough mental once over just to be certain. The last thing I need is to go nuts and start a war somewhere for the entertainment of the Q."

Lieutenant Commander Cynthia Pederson entered the conference room with a PADD and walked up to Jack.

"Yes, Ms. Pederson?" he asked.

"This just came through from Starfleet Command, sir."

She handed the PADD to Jack and took a step back as he read it.

"Looks like our new orders," Jack said as he quickly scanned the information. His face changed to a frown.

"What is it, Captain?" Negev asked.

Jack took a deep breath. "We have been ordered by the new CinC of the Kel-j'na Region, Admiral Fergus Simmons… "

Jack paused and looked at Hank and Melissa. They knew what he had to be thinking at this point.

Jack continued. "We have been ordered to leave the Kel-j'na Region and return to Federation space for a full evaluation of the Chamberlain and its systems. We are to arrive at Yed Post Four no later than Stardate 54975.8."

Hank frowned. "Yed Post Four? What the hell are we going there for?"

Negev jumped in. "There is a substantial starship repair facility located there. Perhaps Starfleet feels the need for an evaluation after our first encounter with the Borg."

Jack forced the conversation at the table out of his mind. He was certain this was Simmons' way of ending the Oceana Class starships. Now more than ever he wanted McGuire investigated.

Jack looked over at Melissa Vargas who also was not involved in the ongoing conversation. She met his eyes and sighed. A moment later she nodded and knew she couldn't argue the point any longer. She would have to go rummaging around in the personal communications of her lover. She just hoped that Lee would understand.

The Comm system came to life with the voice of Navigation Officer P'rada K'jal. "Captain McCall, please report to the Bridge."

Jack sighed and responded. "McCall here. What is it Lieutenant Commander?"

K'jal had command of the Bridge this shift of the day, but Jack could tell from the tone of her voice she was nervous. "Sir, two vessels have entered the system at high warp and are on a heading to the colony. I estimate they will arrive in seven minutes."

"Can you identify them?" Jack asked as Negev, Hank, Zachary, and Vargas had already made their way to the Conference Room door.

"Unknown design, sir."

Jack stood from his chair. "Go to red alert."